~Mail Order Well Cheet Sheet can now offer readers the chance to purchase games via MAIL ORDER. We are currently compiling a list of games and prices, that we will have to offer. This list will be updated every month and printed in Cheet Sheets. This month I'll start off by offering a few titles that have been reviewed in this issue and a few CHEAPIES ! FULL List of titles available through Cheet Sheets Mail Order service available in this issue, "CD-ROM Products" under ARTICLES Section. ~Zool 2 The sequel reviewed in this issue, but the ORIGINAL Zool is available for 4.99 (on Regenerator Label). ~Noctropolis Available on EA Classic Label - 9.99 ~FIFA Soccer Original version available on EA Classic Label - 9.99 FIFA '96 (Latest Version) available on EA Label - 34.99 ~Shareware Gold 1 CD containing Shareware versions of DOOM, Duke Nukem II and Raptor. Available for only 2.99. ~Shareware Gold 2 CD containing Shareware versions of Xargon, Epic Pinball and Arcy 2. Available for only 2.99. ~Electronic Arts - Cluebook Collection Cluebooks with complete player's guides, tips etc... These books go into slightly bigger detail than Cheet Sheets (well normally a 100 or so pages worth, instead of CS 10-15 pages !!). All priced at 7.99 each. Titles in this range include ATF, AH-64 Longbow, Bioforge, Cybermage, Dungeon Keeper, Fade To Black, Noctropolis, Pacific Strike, Strike Commander, System Shock, Ultima 8, Ultima Underworlds 2, Wing Commander Armada and Wings Of Glory. Other titles available, Sea Wolf (17.50), Wing Commander 3 (12.99) and Wing Commander 4 (12.99). Feel free to write/phone on game prices, I will TRY and match any other advertised prices. Most up to date list of products will be made available on request via post (please include DISK and SAE). ===================================================================== ~--------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== To obtain any of the above games simply mail a cheque or P.O. order for the total amount (plus 1 pound per product for postage) to :- "By-The-Way", Chilsworthy, Gunnislake, Cornwall, PL18 9PB. Makes cheques/PO payable to "Wayne Roberts". Overseas readers please confirm price before sending payment. ~ALL SOFTWARE IS DIRECT FROM THE DISTRIBUTOR AND IS FULLY PACKAGED ~INCLUDING ALL MANUALS, PACKAGING etc... ==================================================================== ~-------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================================================